Metal Gear Solid
MGS is often called the Greatest game ever, I agree with them, this was the game Grey Fox came back to finish off his life, this was the game we found out who Snake really was, this was the game we met Johnny Sakasi, this was the game we ran around in boxes to get behind a guard and shoot him in the head! The depth of this game is amazing it's got more twists and turns to it than a rubiks cube. The story starts off nice and simple; a special operative has to go into an enemy base to rescue some hostages from nuclear weilding terrorists, but on the way this special operative falls in love, meets his best freind who he killed, and finds out the leader of the terrorist group is his clone brother. You need to play this game! |
History of the game
Back in 1987 a man named Hideo Kojima made a game, It was an action game, but this was a different sort of Action game, we were used to games like Contra, Strider and Mega Man, this was not Contra, Strider or Mega Man. It was about sneaking past the enemy and avoiding confrontations, if you were spotted you'd be hunted down with a legion of enemies rushing towards you like an earthly version of Space Invaders. Kojima-san was dissapointed with the technoligy though, he wanted the enemies to be able to detect you by where your shadow was, how your breath shown up in the cold. He wanted the game to be more real, he want you to be able to peak around corners for a better view, he waited. In 1995 Sony released their first console since the Sony MSX Hit-Bit, They called this new console 'PlayStation' This shown brilliant 3-D graphics, It had CD quality sound, and this would be the console that would show off his idea! Kojima-san released this game in 1998 calling it MetalGear Solid, and it will be known forever in video game history.
Bandana: Complete the game without giving in to Ocelot's Torture, when you start again you will have a selectable Bandana, if you equip it you will never lose a bit of ammo
Stealth Suit:
Complete the game giving into Ocelot's torture and wen you restart you'll be given a stealth suit, this makes you invisible to enemies while you're wearing it, this does not effect boss battles though.
Snake in Tuxedo, Meryl in FOXHOUND suit, Ninja in Spiderman style costume:
Complete the game 3 times and the cheat should work (Snake is only in the Tux after he gets out of the first room)
Not really a secret but something strange, When you go up to the REX Control Room before you enter you can see Ocelot and Liquid talking, yet you can still contact Master Miller (The dissguised Liquid) strange one that. (Thanks to Omaru for that one)
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