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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Well, it's been one of the most hyped up games ever! but you may be dissapointed if you've believed the shouts of "This is going to blow you away into a new form of reality" etc. This is NOT the most realistic game that's ever been made! But, that's because it knows it's a game, and it's also a game that tells a story, so don't expect to be playing all of it!
You start off by choosing which situation effects you, if you have completed the previous game quite allot and are quite confident you could do well then you have to go on normal or a harder mode, but this gets you on to a bonus part of the game to start off with called the 'Tanker Section' this is the only part of the game you can play as Solid Snake, if you haven't completed MGS then you can't play this section of the game and have to start off with a character called Raiden.
The main plot of the games is that a terrorist group called Dead Cell have taken over an oil rig near the oil filled port of Manhattan, and they are threatening sending off a nuclear bomb through the sea if they don't see their demands made, an anti-terrorist group have sent a new operative called Raiden to try and stop Dead Cell in their tracks, but he keeps on finding someone's one step ahead of him in the way in, the plot then goes to epic proportions with ideas of the millenium bug being a complete scam and artificial life.
The gameplay is the best seen yet in a MetalGear game with a usefull First-Person aim, hold-up technique and other wonderfull abilities! You just can't get enough of this game, which leads us to a worse part of the game, IT'S BLOODY SHORT!
If you stick cmpletely to your mission it takes hardly any time to complete, and the fact you don't get to play half of the game makes this worse! But, if you know how to use your time you can have a hell of a lot of fun doing it.
This game isn't flawless, but the upcoming Substance seems that it will fix this, I don't advise anyone to get this game despite the fact it's the best the PS2 has to offer, because MGS2:Substance has the whole game on it, just wait, ok?
By 87thSolidSnake

Graphics:9 :Looks pretty but dosen't have the atmosphere of MGS
Gameplay:10 :Plenty of fun for the whole family!
Story:6 :Oh dear, it's all kind of thrown together at the last minute, isn't it?
Longetivity:8 :Takes about an hour to complete, but you'll keep coming back for more!
Sound:9 : Proper Movie composer doing the music, and it's completly chrystal clear.
Overall: 9/10: Dosen't quite feel complete, and in future will seem more of a big demo of Substance rather than a game of it's own, despite this it's the best thing you can get on the PS2 at the moment, If you can't wait for Substance go get this game now!

MGS is the best game ever made you say? How shocking!
  MetalGear Solid (PlayStation, sort of PC)
Well, how do you do a review of the greatest game ever made? It's a tough job pointing out some of the bad features about this game because there's only 2; It's short and it seems a little featureless after completing Solid 2, but that's it, nothing else, so let's get started on the good points now.
MGS is a truly brilliant game that shows what a man with a dream can do, huge plot twists, dynamic characters, spot on gameplay, Wonderful level design, varied gameplay. This is MetalGear!
As soon as you slip this disc into your PlayStation (or PC for that matter) you realise that this is a game like no other, the camera dynamics, movie style music and voice acting hit you from the introduction sequence, when you actually play the game you also feel something that hadn't been included in the games of the era, attention to every little detail, Mice scurry away when you come near, puddles can give you away if you step in them, guards can follow your footsteps if you've been in water or you're walking in the snow, you can get advice any time you want it from the game's brilliant "Codec" function (A small phone placed under the ear). KCEJ have preformed brilliantly with this game.
So what's it all about eh? Well, a retired Special agent (Solid Snake) has been called back into action to find out if a Terrorist group have the ability to launch a Nuclear Strike and to Rescue two hostages. Solid Snake finds out that there's more reasons than him being involved than just being a good stealthy agent, Snake was previously involved with missions that included taking out MetalGears, MetalGears are Nuclear equiped walking battle tanks which seem to get worse each time, Snake was the only man who ever could take one out. Not only that but the leader of the Terrorist group is remarkably simular to Solid Snake himself, he looks the same, he has the same code name, and he preforms aswell as Snake on the field. The plot develops to amazing scale which work not only with the history of the series, but the history of war too.
For everyone out there who wants to play it on the PC you're in luck, you get more! The version you get is a port of MGS:Integral which never made it to the UK in it's true form (PlayStation owners got most of it in the form of MGS:Special Missions) This includes over 300 VR Missions and a First Person mode once you complete the game, The VR Missions add allot to the game, completing it can make you an expert of MGS.
To put an end to this review I just have to tell you your game collection means nothing without this game, This is what Video Games should be, the only flaws are that it's gameplay dosen't add up to the sequal and it's shorter than your average epic, but you'll soon forget that if you trully know what's good for you. PlayStations are being made all over the world now, the reason? So people can play MGS!
By 87thSolidSnake

Graphics-8: Looked wonderful back in the day, dosen't really look good anymore though, bags o' atmosphere though.
Gameplay-9: Really well thought out, but if this is what just you're looking for, wait for Substance
Story-10: One of the best ever told, has made cults.
Longetivity-9: Short game by itself but with the addition of Special Missions, huge! You'll keep coming back anyway!
Overall-10/10: This defines VideoGaming.