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Wellcome to Your Emails on MGN! |
From Omaru (from the Arsenal Gear forums)
I thought u might like to add this to your metal gear solid page, since no one has ever documented it (to my knowledge). Basically, before you lose the Pal card, DON'T go up the stairs to start the cutscene off, instead walk to the side of the steps and look in the door, if you cant see, then try leaning or walk back a little and lean, you can already see liquid inside with Ocelot, However......Its possible to actually call Master Miller on the Codec, but how if he's supposed to be liquid? oh well, its a minor mistake. But yeah I played through milking the codec (a very boring process) Anyway thanks for letting me kill time, Omaru ---------------------------------------------------- Thanks for that, It will be added to the MGS section in a matter of minutes. We're allways happy to change the site for the users, and their ideas are allways taken into account. Even we forget some stuff here. Sorry to sound like a corporation there, but it's true! Congratulations for being the first email here too! 87thSolidSnake (Posted by 87thSolidSnake on 23/10/02) |