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Here's the central of MG pics on the site
Click on the Pics to make them proper site (much thanks to the man for making this page look good!)

C4 in different places!

Substance alternative missions include having to meet up with comrades for info.

Snake about to complete of of the VR Missions

Allways a winner

Ninja in new alternative missions

Dressing up for VR

Snake spotted by a gaurd

A new map for mission with Meryl (Substance)

MetalGearNews Logo

Snake is Spotted


VR (Substance)

Hanging mode in VR (Substance)

Snake with Machine gun

Jimmy's obbsession was getting a bit worrying (Document)

FMV selection (Document)

Raiden Artwork (Document)

Raiden (Document)

Discovery (Document)

Strut A (Document)

Menu (Document)